Trick Shots: Elevate Your Pickleball Game

Trick Shots: Elevate Your Pickleball Game

In today’s pickleball scene, simply playing the game isn’t enough; you need to add some flair to keep the crowd engaged. Have you ever witnessed a player execute an ATP shot on the court? The entire crowd erupts in applause, and the player basks in the glory of their impressive trick shot.

Trick shots are all the rage!

But they also can help you win, keeping your opponents unable to guess what’s coming next!

Below are the top 6 trick shots, along with brief explanations:

  • ATP (Around the Post): This shot is used when the ball lands wide and outside the net post. Players return the ball around the post into their opponent’s court on the other side. This shot is most effective when all players are at the non-volley zone (NVZ).
  • Behind the Back: This shot can be hit out of the air or off a bounce. A player swings their arm behind their back and hits the ball on the opposite side of their body.
  • The Bert: To complement the Erne, The Bert requires a player to jump/leap from the middle of the court and land towards the net outside the sideline while hitting a volley in the air.
  • The Erne: Named after Erne Perry, this shot is hit in the air as you jump over the NVZ and land out of bounds. Alternatively, you can run around or through the kitchen, re-establish your feet out of bounds, and then hit the volley.
  • Tweener (forward/backward): When a player hits the ball between their legs, either facing forward or backward. The forward tweener involves hitting a dink or groundstroke between your legs. The backward tweener occurs when a player chases down a lob that goes over their head and hits the ball between their legs while still facing backward.
  • The “Kyle”: Named after Kyle Yates, players use this shot to catch their opponents off guard. You set up as if you are going to dink with your backhand, sell the fake (convincing your opponents you’ll hit a cross-court dink), and then switch to a forehand speed up.

So, now you know what the top trick shots are, but how do you execute them? When and how should you use them?

Slate will be offering fun Trick Shot special classes throughout the year. Each class will be dedicated to a specific trick shot, where we will break down the situation and mechanics of the shot using our STAGE Methodology. You’ll leave the court feeling like you’ve conquered a new frontier of pickleball action!


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