Author: Sam Arnold
Let Go of Your Fear of the Drop
It’s okay to hit your drops high. Third shot, fifth shot, even the holy seventh shot, whichever. I know it’s not your intention. I know you sometimes get blasted as a result of your errors. But just because you occasionally loft them up and get severely punished as a result, does not mean you have…
The ATP in Pickleball Doesn’t Have To Be Impossible
The “around the post” shot (ATP) is a classic fan favorite and can get the whole crowd roaring with approval. You see it a lot on the pro tour and occasionally at the highest levels of club play. It’s when the ball is wide enough that it becomes possible to send it outside of the…
A Secret Shot on the Return of Serve in Pickleball
What are some key tactical items of the return of serve in pickleball? You would likely answer “to send the ball deep to keep the opponents back making the third shot more difficult, all the while making sure you have time to get to the non-volley zone.” But what if you do the opposite? Hit…
Top 3 Technical Mistakes Expert Tennis Players Make When They Try Pickleball
As I’ve gotten a few of my tennis professional pals onto the open play pickleball courts, I’ve noticed three major incorrect technical patterns that all these athletes succumb to, preventing them from getting to 4.0+ right away. The first is you’ll see a lot of balls dumped right into the net when ex-tennis players attempt…
Junior Player Development and Pickleball
Coming from the world of tennis player development in my previous career, I was exposed to the best leaders and sports scientists in the world. I was lucky that I had access to them. I learned and grew as a coach, studying their ways of modern teaching and coaching methodologies. As I transitioned over to…
The Rise of Pickleball Over Tennis
If you’re expecting the typical “growth of pickleball” talk about how pickleball is accessible and super-fun and social and the whole family can play and that’s why it’s blown up, you’ve come to the wrong blog article! Sort of. In my previous career as a tennis manager and coach working for a corporation that was…
Upgrade Your Dynamic Warmup for Pickleball
In my previous blog post, I discussed the importance of a proper hitting warmup before a match. I also mentioned that in my next piece, I’d speak on warming-up before you even walk on the court to rally. Would I say that a pre-hitting warmup is as necessary as a proper hitting warmup? No. But…
Setting the Standard for a Proper Match Warmup for Pickleball
What is the point of a warmup for pickleball? Many have good answers to this question. To get the feel for the ball, to get the muscles loose, to get the blood flowing, to prevent injury. All solid responses. What do most players actually do when they warm-up? Dead dinking for two minutes and that’s…
Get Massive Power on Your Pickleball Overhead
The lob comes, it’s a real floater. Time to blast. You reach high, and poof, another slow response. At least it went in. But the opponent drives it right back at your body, and you definitely haven’t recovered in time. You dump it into the net. Your partner gives the classic “aww good try.” Does…