In my previous blog post, I discussed the importance of a proper hitting warmup before a match. I also mentioned that in my next piece, I’d speak on warming-up before you even walk on the court to rally.
Would I say that a pre-hitting warmup is as necessary as a proper hitting warmup? No. But there is a lot of value that can be had by a dynamic warmup capable of improving your performance. Especially if it includes a multitude of fundamental athletic components.
The typical format that is often taught to pickleball coaches in certifications is the up and back basic dynamic stretching routines. We’re talking butt-kicks, high knees, arm swirls, stuff like that. Pretty boring. It gets the job of increasing heart and respiration rate, as well as getting a bit of a sweat in there, but who wants to do all that?
An even better way of dynamically warming up is with a partner. This can make it much more engaging and even competitive. You can start with some jogging and side-shuffling to get the blood flowing, but then one partner can become the leader and the other the follower. The leader executes different movements such as side-shuffling, backpedaling, light jumping, and cross-stepping, and the follower, well, follows. While this may seem a little bit silly, you’d be surprised how enjoyable this is. The neurons are firing with visual to motor connections, and you’re getting more movement skills as they relate to pickleball with agility and balance reactions.
You can follow this up with an activity where the two of you face about eight feet apart and juggle a couple of balls back and forth while side shuffling and changing direction every few catches. This brings in more of the arms to the experience, as well as practicing and developing fundamental skills such as tossing, catching, coordination, agility, reaction, and dissociation. All which help you on the pickleball court.
Then finish off with a jump rope challenge. First to 100 jumping repetitions wins. The competition engages and motivates, adding a fun component, and the jump roping adds in aerobic endurance, coordination, and fine motor control to bolster challenge and athleticism.

Not only will you walk on-court warmed up, you’ll be more skillful across the spectrum. You’ll notice quicker feet, faster reactions during speedups, and more spin on your shots.
There are many exercises out there that are inline with this mode of dynamic warmup. Search for ones that are gamified and require multiple skills to accomplish. At Slate Pickleball Club, our coaches are ready to educate you on many more of these sorts of experiences to increase your athleticism and enjoyment of sport and exercise.
A lot better than literally kicking your own butt, wouldn’t you agree?
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