The lob comes, it’s a real floater. Time to blast. You reach high, and poof, another slow response. At least it went in. But the opponent drives it right back at your body, and you definitely haven’t recovered in time. You dump it into the net. Your partner gives the classic “aww good try.”
Does this happen to you on more than one occasion? If it does, I’ve got a solution.
The pickleball overhead’s foundation is the overarm throw. You’ll see it in football and baseball. Look at any pro quarterback. Observe how they turn their body sideways, cooking their arm in what can be compared to a salute. This is them loading their kinetic chain, building plentiful potential energy in their larger muscle groups. When they execute a pass, they uncoil it all, transferring the kinetic energy into their hands. Gross motor into fine motor coordination.

If you know you’re a good thrower and have an athletic background, then improving your overhead isn’t rocket science. When hitting, use that throwing feel as you reach up for a high contact point! This should substantially increase your paddle head speed. For short lobs, keep your feet planted right behind the non-volley zone line, and coil back your upper body to prepare. Don’t fall in after you uncoil and execute (that’s illegal)! For deep lobs, get your body sideways first, prepare the paddle into the throwing load position, and adjust then set your feet to create the optimal contact point before hitting.
Bonus tip: point at the ball with your non-dominant hand as you prepare with your index finger. This will help you get properly sideways and track the ball.
For those who, perhaps, are not good throwers, the solution is simple but difficult to achieve. You’ve got to learn how to throw! The only real way to do this is practice. Get sideways, get your arm prepared, and go. Aim at different targets. Throw back and forth with the kids! But you have to do it a lot. Results will not come in a day. It’s a journey!
At Slate, in our robust group developmental program, we will teach you (and your kids in our separate junior program!) in a fun, level-based environment all the skills needed to reach your max. And you’ll have a great time doing it. We truly have the most forward thinking pickleball program on the planet, and we cannot wait to share it all with you.
See you out there!
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